Meet Jon

Jon & Danielle Gray

Jon & Danielle Gray

At age 30, Jon already has a history of service to his community. Jon's experience includes:

  • Chair, Taunton Agricultural Commission

  • Chair, Dighton Green Communities Grant Committee

  • Vice Chair, Taunton Pathways Committee

  • U.S. Green Building Council LEED Green Associate

  • B.A. Business Administration in Finance from UMass Amherst

  • M.S. Sustainability Science from UMass Amherst

  • Co-Founder, Sustainable Taunton

  • Member, Downtown Taunton Walking Trail Committee

  • Eagle Scout, Troop 45, Dighton

Jon grew up in Dighton and after attending UMass Amherst moved to Taunton in 2016 with his wife Danielle. In 2021, Jon and Danielle were thrilled to welcome their daughter Daisy into the world. Since becoming a resident of Taunton, Jon has been continuously working to find ways to get involved, helping to make Taunton a better place to live and work.

Jon works as a Transportation Planner with the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD). Previously he served as Outreach Coordinator for the nonprofit Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership (SEMAP), Office Manager for the Zoning Board of Appeals for the Town of Dighton, and Director of Operations at the Freshly Baked Company in Taunton.

Those who have worked with Jon recognize his strong leadership abilities and his willingness to understand all sides to the issues, ask tough questions, challenge assumptions, do his own research, and build consensus on common-sense solutions. Jon is inspired to affect positive change in Taunton, and public service has always been a key component of his life.

In 2021, Jon ran for TMLP Commission and proudly earned 2,477 votes. In 2023, he’s asking for your vote once again.


Elect Jon Gray to the TMLP Commission